Roofs and Drainage

Southwest Colorado's climate is an example of extremes. The weather can go from warm and sunny to snow and blowing snow in a matter of minutes.

The design of the homes functions become critical. I like homes that I can walk all around the exterior during a thunderstorm or blizzard and not get wet. Deep protective eaves serve a two-fold purpose; the most important is shade from the sun in the warm months, and the second is on the few inclement weather days, there is an area around the house that doesnt get exposed to the weather. This protects the natural materials used to clad the home and it allows circulation in the winter when snow is falling from every roof.
The sun's solstice plays a very important role in the design of homes in Colorado. We have great weather year-round, and can incorporate passive solar capabilities and thermal mass into our homes and enjoy the benefits of green design. Site selection and home orientation are critical for a home that helps you maintain nature's bounty without over working yourself.