Established neighborhood infill
The nice #homes in the area are larger lot estates, and graceful professional builder homes. This is an #ease of #access #location. The landscaping is #elegant mature #southern. The #trees are mature, the native growth is thick with flowers, typical #Birningham #Alabama.
The #street for this #development is a dual access road forming a loop that helps keep the #neighborhood #estatelots #peaceful. Minimal #traffic with #Oak #Mountain #Views with #Vista of the #Cahaba #Valley in the #Altadena area #Escarpment #OTM 2 #viewlot #Acre. Great #Location near #Vestavia & #BriarwoodSchools #Summit.
Traffic has no reason to use this road, unless you live there. The #geographical borders limit exploring and #traffic from outside exploration; it's #private.
with #countytaxes, leaves enough to be a member at The #Club of your choice.
.#Lots #KnightsCrest #CountyTaxes #Estate #estatehomes
#SoldOnService #KnoxIsTheKey #kellerwilliams
Frances Knox @soldonservice4u